
  Respect SceneTime staff and users at all times.
  Aggressive behavior, which includes flaming and defamation, will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
  Media, including images and videos, which include racism, nudity, sexism and aggressive religious stances, will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
  Queries regarding ranks will automatically result in your account being demoted. If we feel like you deserve it you will be promoted.
  Please do not request username changes.


  English is the site-wide language, this is especially important in the forums.
  Aggressive behavior, which includes flaming and defamation, will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
  Foul language is accepted, but keep it reasonable and to a minimum.
  Absolutely no links to websites which include 'warez', serial codes, cracks, trackers, streaming or money-making content.
  Advertising seedbox services is for the seedbox forum only. Posts made outside this area will be deleted and your account warned.
  Do not request releases, unless allowed in specified threads.
  If you disagree with a staff member, do not start a flaming war. Contact another staff member for advice via private message.
  If you're posting adult content, e.g. pornography, please add [18+] in the thread title.
  Remember SceneTime has a search function, many of your questions have most likely been asked before.

- Forum Safety & Guidelines (these are not rules)

  We advise you to not post any personal information, this includes your address, email address, IP or real full name.
  Please don't write posts in CAPITAL letters, it's really not needed.
  Please don't 'bump' posts, if you have a support request make sure it's posted in the Support area of the forums.
  Finally, please make sure you post all threads in the correct section.

Avatar & Images

  Do not use obscene content as an avatar image, this includes images of abuse, racism, death, mutilation, hardcore pornography.
  Avatar sizing must not exceed 150x300.
  Images don't need to be massive, use a sensible size when using the image tags.